- Greg Hands MP has taken action, working with the Metropolitan Police, to tackle crime around Bishops Park and South Fulham.
- Following high-profile crimes, Greg has raised these incidents with senior Metropolitan police officers, including the Metropolitan Police Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Louise Puddefoot and action followed.
- Report all crime that you see. The police are cracking down on crime here locally, we just need to keep on it.
Greg Hands MP has taken action, working with the police, to tackle crime in south west Fulham.
Ensuring that residents feel safe is one of Greg’s priorities. Greg meets regularly with the local police, so that he can raise residents' concerns directly and continues to highlight cases and trends to the police, for them to take away and review.
Greg is keen to highlight that our communities are safer than in 2010, with overall crime, on a like-for-like basis, down by 54%. The Government has also delivered on its commitment to recruit 20,000 additional police officers. In London, there have been an extra 3,666 recruited, meaning there is now a record number of police officers in our capital, with the total number of officers in London up to 36,418.
At the beginning of this year, we have unfortunately had some high-profile crime in our local area. Greg has raised these incidents with the police on various occasions including the Metropolitan Police Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Louise Puddefoot, Superintendent Craig Knight and with Chief Inspector Tom Orchard, and his team of senior police officers on a recent walkabout in Bishops Park. Some of the crimes Greg has highlighted and action that followed, include:
The terrible attack on a 17 year old in Bishops Park. Action: Extra officers assigned, Bishops Park made a core task for proactive policing, police asking LBHF to increase range and quality of CCTV, and items retrieved from crime scenes being examined forensically.
Crime between Putney Bridge station & the Hurlingham Club. Action: Plain clothes patrols and a uniform presence deployed. The police have made a number of arrests.
Crime around Hammersmith Broadway. Action: 6-10 arrests have been made recently. The number of offences has dropped off and the police have got extra teams there.
The mass vandalism of residents' cars, by the ‘Tyre Extinguishers’. Action: There is an active police investigation and they have identified a potential suspect. The police are appealing to residents to keep reporting these incidents.
The police have got a lot of leads, important evidence and are really working hard on all these issues. Greg would appeal to all residents, please do report all crime that you see. The police are cracking down on crime here locally, we just need to keep on it.
We have already put more police on the beat, increasing police presence, and keeping us safe!
As you may also know, Greg has been running regular Crime Summit public meetings at venues across Fulham and Chelsea for many years, giving residents a chance to put their questions directly to the police.
Please spread the word.
Commenting, Greg Hands said:
‘’Ensuring residents feel safe is one of my priorities. Therefore, like many Fulham residents, I have been very concerned by the number of high-profile crimes that we have seen since the beginning of the year.
I raised these crimes with senior Metropolitan police officers, including the Metropolitan Police Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Louise Puddefoot and action followed.
The police have leads, evidence and are working hard on these issues. I would appeal to all residents, please do report all crime that you see. The police are cracking down on crime here locally, we just need to keep on it.’’