Greg Hands' Crime Survey

Tell me your views on crime in Chelsea and Fulham.

Crime Survey

  • Current Tell me your views on crime in Chelsea and Fulham
  • Your details
What are your top priorities for our new police? Please choose THREE:
How safe do you feel walking round our streets? On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is extremely unsafe and 10 is extremely safe.
< Extremely unsafe
Extremely safe >
Have you or a family member recently experienced or witnessed crime?
If you answered yes to the previous question, was it dealt with quickly and satisfactorily?
Which two of the following would make you feel safer?
Questions Very strongly Somewhat strongly Not at all
To help us make this survey representative, please let us know how you voted at the last General Election in December 2019?
Questions 0
No chance of voting for this party
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Certain to vote for this party
On a scale of 0–10, where 0 means there would be no chance of you voting for the party and 10 means you would be absolutely certain to vote for the party.